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What is Essiac?

Essiac in Canada
ESSIAC is an herbal product made up of four different herbs which are grown without any use of herbicides and pesticides, to make them pure and completely natural, herbs are not also irradiated. The four herbs which are used in the preparation of the ESSIAC products are:
  1. Burdock Root: contains high amount of inulin and mucilage.
  2. Slippery Elm Bark: contains large amount of tannins and mucilages.
  3. Sheep Sorrel Leaves: contains large amount of tannins.
  4. Indian Rhubarb Roots: contains tannins and anthraquinones.
Essiac products are blended and manufactured by the certified facilities with the highest of precautions and hygiene. All the employees who are working in these facilities required to wear the protective head, body and footwear gears. Before blending the herbs, which are used in producing any Essiac product is submitted for high level of medical examination for the purity. Without getting the positive results from the above tests no herbs can be used in the production of the Essiac products. 

The Essiac is an herbal formula prepared by a Canadian nurse in 1922. It was she who first blends this formula in her kitchen. It was also used by some people with illness, however, it is not clinically proven as a cure or that it provides relief.


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